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How to recycle scrap aluminum?


Recycling aluminum waste is a very important work, which can not only protect the environment, but also save resources. So, how to recycle scrap aluminum?

First of all, the recycled broken bridge aluminum, cans, engine housing and other waste aluminum go through the shredding machine for shredding.Then,through the waste aluminum crusher,the waste will be rolled into small particles.Therefore,it not only can reduce the cost of transportation and storage, but also can improve the efficiency of smelting and the water rate. The crushed waste aluminum can be smelted and reused. The waste aluminum is heated to a certain temperature to melt it into liquid aluminum, which is then poured into a mold and cooled to produce new aluminum products. This method can not only recover the waste aluminum, but also produce high quality aluminum products.

Second, scrap aluminum can also be reused through compression. The scrap aluminum is compressed into solid blocks and then reprocessed into new aluminum products. This method can not only save resources, but also reduce the pollution of waste to the environment. In addition, scrap aluminum can also be recycled through sorting. The waste aluminum is sorted and recycled separately. Recycling aluminum cans and aluminum foil separately, for example, makes better use of the waste.

Finally, scrap aluminum can be creatively reused. Turning scrap aluminum into art, household items, etc., can not only play a decorative role, but also make full use of the waste.

All in all, recycling aluminum waste is a very important job.Each of us should do our part. Through a variety of methods, such as crushing, melting, compression, classification and recycling, scrap aluminum can be fully utilized to protect the environment and save resources.